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Project information

Haiti National electrification analysis - Consultancy services for the assessment of electrification options

R. Palacios A. González-García I.J. Pérez-Arriaga M. Rivier P. Ciller

August 2022 - April 2024

Funding entity World Bank (WB)

Participated by Wayvolution S.L, Waya Energy Inc, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Trama Tecnoambiental S.L, Castalia

Following the Government of Haiti’s request for advisory services, the World Bank appointed Comillas and Waya Energy, with the collaboration of Trama TecnoAmbiental TTA and Castalia, to undertake a National Electrification Analysis (NEA) of Universal Electricity Access Options in Haiti. The objective of the NEA is to provide analysis and insight on various power supply modes options (grid extension, mini grids, standalone systems, meshed grids...) which the World Bank may use to assist in providing advisory services to the Government of Haiti for the preparation of a National Electrification Strategy (NES).
The World Bank is responsible for undertaking the NEA with funding from Policy Dialogue funds and Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). The NEA is designed to help the World Bank to deliver integrated and flexible advisory services to the Government so as to build its capacity to achieve sector development targets.
The scope of work encompasses the following tasks: (a) identify, review and analyze output (e.g., reports, data) of previous efforts supporting electrification planning in the country, several of which have strong synergies with related sectors including water, health, education, ICT; (b) assess the robustness of existing material and highlight gaps, updates or modifications required c) actively support any additional analysis require to develop a geospatial least cost electrification plan and (d) identify potential options and arrangements for scaling up electrification in Haiti in line with national access targets.
This work will produce an analysis of the electricity services and options that could be provided based on the information shared by the Government and other sector stakeholders to assist the World Bank in providing advisory services to the Government. Any further detailed site-specific analysis will be conducted by the designated country agencies if, and when, the decision to undertake electrification projects is made. It is those site-specific analyses, and not the World Bank’s NEA, that will determine specific vulnerability, risk and mitigation actions associated with different modes of electricity supply.

Layman's summary: The objective of the NEA is to provide analysis and insight on various electricity access options which the World Bank may use to assist in providing advisory services to the Government of Haiti for the preparation of a National Electrification Strategy (NES).